SFU students present at American Astronomical Society meeting in New Orleans

Dr. Lanika Ruzhitskaya | 02/08/2024

SFU in the Stratosphere Team


Members of the Saint Francis University in the Stratosphere  group of the Nationwide Eclipse Ballooning Project (NEBP) and Dr. Lanika Ruzhitskaya represented SFU at the 243rd American Astronomical Society meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana from January 7-11, 2024 .


The Mathematics, Engineering, Computer Science  (MECS) and Chemistry departments sent eight students (Olivia Baldini, Nathan Cammarata, Hugh Flanigan, Jacob Joly, Stephen McGinnis, Kevin Salmon, Anna Belle Stover, and Meagan Wheeler ) who presented five posters:


  • Atmospheric Fluctuations During a Solar Eclipse
  • Staying Afloat During the Solar Eclipse: The Importance of Venting, Predicting, and Tracking in Stratospheric Ballooning
  • Solar Eclipse Science Outreach with Stratospheric Ballooning
  • Stratospheric Thermo-Electric Generator
  •  Traveling Museum Exhibit in Rural Pennsylvania: Earth to Moon

The also participated in the special session “Stratospheric and Ground-Based Remote Sensing During Solar Eclipses,” chaired by Dr. Lanika Ruzhitskaya and Dr. Mary Bowden from the University of Maryland. During this session, Hugh Flanigan represented the “SFU in the Stratosphere” team on the student panel.


Additionally, the students attended special receptions and booths organized by universities and leading technology companies, aimed at undergraduate students seeking internships and career opportunities. More than 3,400 people participated in the conference.


See more photos from the week: http://www.facebook.com/people/Saint-Francis-University-in-the-Stratosphere/100093110365535/


Learn more about SFU's role in the Nationwide Ballooning Eclipse Project:
